Saturday, July 23, 2016

Hey All! I'm Claire! Hope you enjoy my blog!

I Promise I’m not Crazy…
I really don’t know if I am writing this blog to try to help you, entertain you, or make myself feel better by drowning myself in my own babbling rather than drowning in my own tears while I drink a bottle of Bailey’s sitting in the bath tub watching The Golden Girls. I mean, not that I have done that or anything… Anyways…whatever reason you have, thanks for reading!
If you spent a long enough time looking through blogs on the internet to find this one, you may want to reevaluate your priorities… or maybe like me, you are going through a mid-life crisis when you are only twenty-one years old and you are desperately searching to find someone who feels as crappy as you!
“Mid-life crisis” really does not even constitute itself as a thing when you are only twenty-one. Then again, people have always called me and “old-soul” and I actually hope they are right. See, if this is not my mid-life crisis, I don’t really want to know what will happen when I hit my real mid-life crisis. The first time I heard someone call me an “old soul,” I was highly offended. I was like, “What the hell does that mean? That I remind you of your great aunt Margaret who needs to pluck the black whiskers out of her chin mole?!” (I didn’t actually say that, but I damn sure thought it.) I’m pretty sure it’s not normal to be called an “old soul” more than once in your life by a random stranger. It seriously concerns me as to why this is a regular occurrence for me.
Maybe the wrinkly old prune that I apparently have for a soul is learning some of life’s toughest lessons too soon, or maybe I am learning them right when I am supposed to and just not coping with them as a “normal young lady should” (just another thing I have heard about 30 million and one times in the past two months.) Perhaps the best case scenario here is that I am such an “old soul” that by the time I am thirty, my parents will have to put me into an assisted living institute for the senile. Seriously, wouldn’t life be a lot easier if we were just completely senile, wandering around hopelessly, fascinated by every pathetically unimportant thing we laid our eyes on? I would love if my biggest concern could be what color pants my nurse is wearing, or why my one-hundred-three-year-old roommate, Elbert, is complaining that he has no hair on his entire body while Melania Trump is sitting in her Canopied-California –King-Sized-Memory-Foam-Koi Pond-Water-Bed, paying some poor soul some serious dough to get the exact same “naked mole rat” look. I think I would want to be so senile though, that I would be infatuated by the dust flakes floating around in the air. Is that what they make hard drugs for? Really the only serious concern I can come up with about living in a home would be whether or not they cooked my daily helping of creamed corn in the same bed pan I just watched Elbert take a dump in.
Let me try to explain my life to you a little bit. I really am your average American twenty-something girl. I spend ungodly amounts of money, which I borrowed for school, on make-up at Sephora and Victoria’s Secret underwear that no one sees anyway. I live in my parent’s basement while I finish my journalism degree at Colorado State University and try to pretend that my education is the most important thing in my life. While I have always done well in school, it has never been my priority. I have not been single since I was 16. It’s been one back to back “serious” relationship after another, more like “seriously screwed” relationship after another. Until two-months ago, when I became single, without another guy waiting in line.
It was always me who did the dumping, once one guy got boring, I would find someone new and exciting and run away. Maybe I finally got what was coming for me. This time, I was the one that got dumped, and I mean bad dumped. That had never happened before. By “bad dumped” I mean I found my boyfriend (who I was convinced was my Prince Charming) in a hotel with another girl. That’s not even the worst part. Most of you out there would have dumped him then and there, but he still managed to dump me while I begged at his feet for him not to. That kind of dumped. Please ladies, do yourself a favor, and never make that kind of a fool out of yourself.
I quickly realized I have no clue what I am supposed to do if I don’t have an egotistical walking penis who makes me cry on a daily basis to occupy every waking moment of my thoughts. It’s like I can’t be happy without some screwed-up relationship to drag me through a roller-coaster-ride of emotions on a daily basis. I really developed an addiction to dating men who treated me poorly and trying to force them to fall madly in love with me. I may be young, but I damn sure learned one thing, that is not how it works.
Okay, I’m about to go all Danny Tanner on you. I suggest you start playing the sappy music in your head now for full-effect. If you had any sort of decent childhood you get my reference. The last relationship and break-up I had was awful, heart-wrenching, and really not funny at all. The thing is, I have always known I had two talents: writing, and making people laugh. After two-months of acting like a hopeless basket-case of a woman that my friends would not be surprised to see me motor-wheel-chairing (I just made that verb up) down the sidewalk carrying all my belongings plastic in grocery bags, and wearing a giant hat covered in my deceased cat’s fur, I decided to write. I decided I wanted to find a way to laugh and make others laugh with me.
Trust me on this one, I have nothing figured out. If you are looking for someone with insight and answers, it’s not me, but I can tell you about ten thousand ways not to deal with a break-up. I truly hope that some of you out there can relate, and perhaps reading about my experiences will help some to not make the same mistakes. Hopefully any other twenty-something women who reads this will think, “There is something seriously wrong with this girl. I will never be that much of an idiot.” The thing is, as we have all heard a million times, the past is the past. So at this point, what’s done is done. I want to use my experience to make myself and others laugh because sometimes that is all we can do. With this blog, I am trying to take the hot-steamy pile of dog shit that is my life, and make a well insulated hut out of it. Screw lemons and lemonade. Sometimes things go too far to be described as innocently as “lemons.” Plus I hear dog poop is great for insulation.

I hope you at least some of you will want to read more and hear some of the ridiculous stories I have to tell, and keep reading my blog. Unfortunately, it’s two o’clock in the morning here at Roosevelt’s Home for the Senile, and I wouldn’t want to keep Elbert awake any longer. I also don’t want to be awake to witness his next visit to the bed pan, so I better go. Good night all! 

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